Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Two Sufis(Hanumaan & Arjuna)!!!

No, don't consider it an epistle,I write because there is an urge inside me to pen down these thoughts,which comes in my heart's territory.A nonchalant mind is always in peace for 365X24 and nature reveals its secrets to these souls only , so the very first step is,to go into a silence or "Maun" ,because, more we know, more we will speak and all that "more" becomes mortal sooner or later. I am sure you understand the difference between Mortal and immortal. Anything which could be comprehended in mind has a shelf-life and eventually turns mortal, and one which could only be felt in silences and expressed by scent of smile, is immortal. So whatever, i write today in this post has good chances to be obliterated by next gen.

Today, i will talk about two great warriors , one the most powerful Pandavas "Arjuna" and other the most revered Lord "Hanuman". Don't take it otherwise if, I say they both were Sufis. i dare to think that a few of you ,are still not familiar with this term;Sufi is a lover of God and surrenders himself completely before the God's feet.

Lets pick up Arjuna first,the best archer as per mythology and well versed with all philosophical dossiers, but as soon as he enters into the battlefield of Kurukshetra, he is crestfallen to finds his own community standing in front of him as foes. He falls in a dither and in spite being a great warrior, surrenders completely before Lord KRISHNA .This  surrender brings him closer to Krishna and he finally get to see the real Divya-Roop of lord Krishna, which is almost impossible for any human being.In the process Lord Krishna explicate him all the secrets and eventually Capitulate him to fight against the Adharma. This Q&A session between Krishna and Arjuna is well documented in the greatest book of philosophy i.e. Gita.

Now point is why other big shots of pandavas fraternity could not see the genuine and glorious almighty . With whatever little knowledge i have,let me interpret this incident. The other great worries always believed they were profound , intelligent and had enough strength to face biggest of the calamities , hence they were overweening  and fought with all nerves and won all their fronts, it is always charming to win a fight over foes. But there exists another layer above it i.e a complete surrender, so  Arjuna , on the other hand , though was the best archer, when trapped in a dilemma ,rather than his intellect , surrenders before The Lord Krishna.did you notice the word "Surrender" ? the gist of whole Sufism. So either Arjuna else the writer of Gita was a knowledgeable Sufi. it implies any human being by complete surrender can rise to the level of Real being.

okay , If you could digest the previous example , I strongly recommend you to read the second too;that is of Lord "Hanumaan". We all know that he was an "avtaar" of Lord Shiva. But I am charting a different route because its important.Hanumaan was again a great warrior but he surrendered himself completely with great humility, in the feet of Lord Rama forever.He never raised a question and always followed Lord Rama obediently.See again the keyword  "Surrender" appears . Hanuman never behaved like an intellectual, but more of a lover of lord Rama, and it was the power of that surrender and love, that he could cross the sea by flying in sky and could set the whole Lanka on fire.These  are not ordinary feat, and makes me believe that Hanuman is again a Sufi, for he was a lover of Lord Rama.

From above mentioned examples ,the inference , I take is, we all human being if could imbibe following two basic qualities ,can surely find peace within himself and do the miracles.
  • To love and surrender before Almighty
  • Accepts all his question nonchalantly
I wanted to write this article, i did it , felt good and now leave it upto my smart readers.hey it's Holi season and I wish you all a prosperous ,colorful and joyful Holi .

Before, I close down this post, give me permission to write ,one of my favourite couplets of Kabir.

पोथी पढ़ पढ़ जुग भया,भया ना पंडित कोई 
ढाई आखर प्रेम का,पढ़े सो पंडित होए

© Ajay Kr Saxena


Kartavya Sharma said...

I thought of writing a comment; bt would express my feelings with scent of a smile

Anonymous said...

first intro para is interesting. the way u interact with the readers is good.without making them inferior in any way u involve the reader in this. thats good.

so you are also the SUFI ,being intellectual yourself , you surrender to your readers.

Himanshu Pant said...

I understand what you are saying, and i like the way you have dealt with it too.
But I have problems with the GYAN you are preaching here, essentially this: In GITA, there was a Krishn for Arjun to surrender, In RAMAYAN, there was a Ram for Hanuman to surrender, which brings me to the point that there were people who still are reverred as GODS.
Now in our lives, in the attempt to become a pure SUFI, we have no one to surrender to, at least not in physical form, by surrender I mean total loss of will, I understand the philosophical implications of Surrender and how it can lead to total peace.
But as usual my cynicism says that untill u have doubts over the god likeliness of the other physical being, its better to question than accept.
And If you have to surrender, surrender to the abstract that these gods point to.
Btw I loved your poem Khas Baat, but it did not stir me enough to comment. I agreed with the thought but here I thought u r giving out fundas and i need to correct few of them.