Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Beautiful excerpt from "Osho on Sufism" :)

God has infinite patience. He works with care, and in very indirect ways. He creates a baby, and takes nine months. This has been going on for million of years, and he has not learnt anything; otherwise he could have managed to create better instruments so that a baby could be created within nine minutes. Why nine months ? And from the very beginning he has been doing the same thing; he has not learned anything. He should ask the experts, particularly the efficiency experts. They will show him how to produce, how to produce on a mass scale , and not waste so much time- nine months per baby!
But its not only with babies - with flowers also he takes infinite care; with birds, even with a blade of grass he takes infinite care and time. He is not in hurry. In fact, it seems he is not aware of time at all.
If you want to be with him, don't be in hurry; otherwise you will bypass him. He will always be loitering here and now, and you will always be going there and then. You will always be like an arrow, and he is not like an arrow.

And to be with God is to be happy, to be with God is to be alive, to be with God is to be in meditation.

But the whole training of man is how to do things fast. Speed in itself seems to be a value. Its it not. In itself it can create only madness. It has created MADNESS.

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